10 tips keeping a clean and tidy house
How to keep a clean and tidy house without a lot of effort
Do you ever wonder why some houses always look nice and tidy no matter what time of the day you get there?
And then there are other houses who always look untidy, a little messy or cluttered?
To which group do you belong to?
The majority of the people struggle to keep everything organized because it is a lot to keep up with.
Do you have a hard time keeping up with everything on your list and on top of that keeping your house clean and organized?
Help is near! Read on!
Here are my 10 tips keeping a clean and tidy house.
Use these 10 tips every day and you will feel so much better:
10 tips keeping a clean and tidy house
1. Keep your entrance tidy. No matter how big your entrance is, there is room for a basket or a box where you can put hats, gloves, scarves or other stuff. I have a box where I collect my dog’s leash and poop bags.
We have a small closet for jackets. Whatever stuff is laying around in your entrance, collect it in a pretty box or wooden basket, whatever fits better to your style. Make your entrance welcoming and tidy. If the stuff is in a basket it is out of sight.
Pictures: Pinterest
2. Keep your kitchen counters empty and clean. I know this is not so easy, but try to just keep your coffee machine and the absolute necessary on your counter top. If this space is empty and clean, the whole kitchen looks so much better.
Also keep your bathroom vanity decluttered. It is so much easier to wipe down the surface real quick if you don’t have to move 50 things out of your way first.
Keep the necessities in a drawer or in cute bowls or boxes, which you can move real quick. Keep a laundry bag in the bathroom.
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3. Put your dirty dishes in the dishwasher. Every night after dinner I clean the kitchen and turn the dishwasher on.
Nothing worse for me than to get up in the morning and to step into a kitchen which has to be cleaned up first. Therefore I put away all the dirty dishes at night so everything looks nice and clean in the morning.
I like a clean start in the morning, you too?
4. Empty your dishwasher while the coffee machine is running in the morning.
5. Make your bed every morning. Don’t skip this.
If it takes you a long time to make your bed, make it easier for you and get rid of all the unnecessary pillows and throws.
6. Start a load of laundry whenever it is necessary in the morning.
Living Room
7. If you have children I am sure there are toys laying around. Have nice baskets handy and have the kids pick up their toys and bring them to their room every night before they go to bed.
Or if you read a lot keep your magazines and books stored in a basket and not piled up on the coffee table.
8. Aim for a lot of white wall space in your living room. Don’t have stuff everywhere. Don’t over decorate. Most of the time one really good looking center piece looks so much better than 15 little nicknacks everywhere.
9. No post-it’s, drawings, magnets on your refrigerator. Put them away where they really belong to. Put the drawings in a folder and reminder post-it’s in your calendar. Also aim for empty wall space in your kitchen if this is possible.
10. Declutter! Do one extra task every day. Check out my 21-day declutter challenge where you invest between 20 and 30 minutes every day to organize your house. This works so much better for almost everybody than dedicating whole days for decluttering and organizing. Especially if you don’t have a lot of time. https://colorfuldesigner.com/21-days-declutter-challenge/
Print it out and check one task off every day. This feels so good.
Wait, there is more to know about 10 tips keeping a clean and tidy house:
Habits for staying on track. 10 tips keeping a clean and tidy house
I found out that I am so much better if I dedicate about 10 to 20 minutes to organize something in my house every day. Often I declutter a drawer while I am waiting for the spaghetti water to boil or I am waiting for my son to get ready.
I used to check on my social media during these waiting times, now I organize something in the kitchen.
If you pay attention, there are many time gaps where you can do a small task without even planning for it.
Keep your vacuum cleaner in a near by closet. Make it easier for you to use 10 spare minutes for a fast vacuum cleaning, makes such a difference when the floors are clean.
Dedicate days
Dedicate one day during the week for changing sheets, one day for cleaning bathrooms and one day for cleaning the floors. If you break things down into 30 minute habits, it is not so overwhelming. And 30 minutes in a day are easily manageable.
Final words on 10 tips to keep your house clean
Just start in a corner, start with the room which bothers you the most. Every day a little bit is absolutely manageable. You can do this!
Download my checklist here: 10 best tips to keep your house clean_-2
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