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  1. These are great ideas! As a full-time RVer, I have always wondered if I might ever want to make changes from the original furniture. I will refer back to this article as a starting place!

  2. Love this! We have been looking for a new bench seat option. The one that came with our toy hauler is so uncomfortable. Thanks for all the tips!

  3. Oh, how many great options. The original couch is jut not comfy and it’s ugly anyway. It’s time to change it. I was browsing couple of days ago and couldn’t make up my mind, but your list with weight info is super helpful! Thanks!

  4. Hi:

    I like your niche, RV camping and RV living sounds like such an attractive lifestyle. Would love to own one, one day. That would be awesome. Thanks for sharing the tips above on RV furniture. 🙂

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  5. This is just what we have been thinking about! Instead of getting a new camper, we were thinking of replacing some of the furniture. Our only problem is that the space for the couch is only 56″, that might be a problem? Thanks for the great options!

    1. Cathy, this is really the fun part. Remodeling an older one, you can do whatever you like to do. 56″ is not a problem, it just takes some time to find the right one. Ikea might be a great help here. Remodeling is truly a passion. Thank you for commenting.

  6. Same as above. I would love to restore a vintage trailer, but did not know where to start.
    I also like these suggestions for furnishing a small apartment/ house.

  7. I never thought about using regular furniture in the RV. I always assumed that you were stuck with buying from the manufacturer to have it fit. This is really enlightening and I’ll be passing this along to my parents. They spend one week a month in theirs and it needs a remodel.

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