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  1. Thanks for such great tips. You did miss the mark on one of my best purchases from Ikea. It’s the 18’x24′ bamboo chopping board. I flip it upside down so the lip will stay on top of the stove while traveling. It adds a ton of space by extending your countertop to include the stove area. This is a great price too. Camping World sells these for about $90.

  2. This may be a weird question but I would like to actually extend the valances in 2 windows of my travel trailer so I can add curtains which when open will go beyond the windows to make the space seem bigger. Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this?

    1. Well, this is hard as you would need the same fabric and you would probably have to build two valances. Try to add a long curtain rod with curtain over the valances to get the same effect.
      Hope this helps.

  3. I love your idea, and am getting ready to attempt in our RV. The only problem is the blinds are mounted to the valance. Have you ever come across that? If so, What did you do?
    Thank you

    1. Hi Mandy, unfortunately, you have to replace the blinds if they are mounted to the valances. Probbly hard to take them off and mount them again. You can get pretty good ones at Ikea or Amazon. Or you just stick with no see through curtains.

  4. Hi – I love your ideas and am in the middle of removing my RV valances and blinds. I’m making new curtains and purchased curtain rods. My question is – how do I know what length of screw can be used to mount the curtain rods to the walls?

    Thank you

    1. Hi Crystal, glad you love my tips and ideas. When you remove your valances, keep the screws. I used the same holes to attach my curtain rod. Also choose a lightweight curtain rod, 1/2 inch screw or even shorter will work definitely.

  5. Please tell me what curtain rods or curtain rod hardware I need. The hardware is the problem. I can’t get anything in these walls.

    1. Hi Bea, there are links in the post you read. Just click on the curtain rod and it will bring you to the Amazon product. Depending on the length of your window choose the curtain rod. 1/2 inch diameter is plenty. Hope this helps.

  6. These are some great ideas! Up to this point, we’ve been tent camping and we love it. However, my husband and I have been talking about purchasing a trailer or RV so that we can take a longer road trip with the ease that they offer moving from location to location. More specifically, we’ve been talking about buying a slightly older one and fixing it up to our liking. After all, as long as the ‘bones are good’ and the engine is reliable, the rest can be changed!

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