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    1. Hi Amber,
      we used this bathroom for about 3 years (then sold the house) and it held up perfectly, with no issues at all. But I do not use bleach for cleaning, just regular bathroom cleaners. Hope this helps.

  1. The pictures are not showing up. I deactivated my ad blocker. I can’t see anything on my desktop or Android phone using two different browsers.

  2. Hi Wendi – I’ve been all over pinterest and you are the only one i’ve seen that has successfully used regular wall paint on their bathroom sink and countertops! I was all ready to go out and get that rustoleum product that threatens to intoxicate you if you don’t use a proper respirator, but after seeing your results, I’m thinking otherwise.. Here we are May, 2020. How’s your bathroom sink looking now?

    1. sorry, I meant to call you Connie. Just so excited about the results you got from just regular paint and not paying attention….

      1. Megan, it really worked great. Just follow the steps and add at least 3 top coats and let it dry as instructed. My countertop still looks great. I was scared using toxic paint, this is why I tried this and I am so glad I did.

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