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    1. Hi Carol, it depends if the surface is clean and dust-free. That is the most important step to check before you apply peel and stick tiles. Also, make sure the surface is even and grease-free. I applied my tiles on top of linoleum and have so far no issues at all. Hope this helps.

  1. Hi, how do you work the peel and stick tiles around a round insert, that my table stand goes into??

    1. Hi Stephanie, take a piece of paper and trace the table stand. Then copy that onto your tile. Use your utility knife to do the cutout. By doing this you have the perfect fitting tile. Hope this helps.

  2. We removed carpeting today. There are large bolts(?) that are not flush with the subfloor. 3 were sunk flush to the floor and 6 were not! This is on a 2004 motorhome. Wanted to lay vinyl planks. Any suggestions? Thank you.

    1. Hi Nancy, how big are the bolts? Can you hammer them into the floor? Or can you pull them out? The floor should be flush before you start laying your new floor. Can you send a picture?

      1. I know what you are talking about, I ran into the same in our Tiffin. I talked to different dealers about it and they all said to take the bolts out and when laying the planks, mark and drill them so once it is laid you can then reinstall the bolts and the heads & washer would be on top of the planks.

  3. Thank you for article. 2 questions
    1. How did you finish the edge at the door? I would be oncerned with 2nd layer lifting from first floor with foot traffic
    2. Are you worried about dirt or sand getting between seams. Since they don’t interlock this would be my second concern if the original floor is uneven and you can’t get a tight seam.

    1. Hi Juliet, if you want to add a trim use a stair nose to cover the cut. There are links in the article at the end if you click on the picture. It has been about 4 years now that I added the peel and stick planks. There are 2 seams that opened up a little bit, but not badly. Just make sure when you lay the planks or tiles that they are close together and stacked. Put a weight on top of the tiles so the adhesive has time to stick. Hope this helps.
      Have a great day, Conny

    1. Kathryn, you lay the new floor up to the corner of the slide and then add a ‘stair nose’ or an ‘edge cover’. There are links in the blog post or you shop HomeDepot or Lowes for something similar.
      Hope this helps, Conny

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