Awesome Bathroom Remodel under 150 Dollars
Awesome Bathroom Remodel for under 150 Dollars and it was so easy.
It took me exactly 3 years to tackle this problem. A nasty bathroom remodel. I just didn’t know where to start and what I wanted to do.
I wasn’t prepared to spend a lot of money and my husband didn’t think it was necessary at all!!!! Do you feel me? Do you have a similar situation in your home? You just don’t know what to do with this room? The easiest solution for me was not to do anything with it. I pushed it away from me – three long years.
Do you also have a problem bathroom in your house? It looks old and dated and you are just overwhelmed and don’t know where to start?
Well, I finally got in the mood of doing this remodel because I wanted to try out a shiplap wall. And this was the trigger I needed. The bathroom was the perfect room to try this out.
The faux shiplap wall is actually very cheap to make (the Plywood board I used was 15 Dollars) and this is why I started. 15 Dollars – wow a no brainer.
How to update a bathroom for under 150 Dollars
I did the whole bathroom remodel for under 150 Dollars. And it really looks great.
I made a checklist for you, which you can download when you are ready to start with your project.
These are the updates I was planning to do:
- painting the walls in a fresh rose color
- adding faux shiplap to the wall
- painting the vanity
- exchanging the mirror
- exchanging the shower curtain
Maximum money to spend: 150 $
First: Decide on the Wall Color and Color Scheme (so important)
I visualized the bathroom to look fresh and clean, no more nasty brown, dark and old smell when you enter it. I wanted to create a happy feeling. Do you know what I mean?
This is why I decided to go with a fresh rose and not just a plain white or gray. Here are various samples of rose, which one is the best?
Always get a sample of the color you choose, because the same color will look completely different on the wall you want to paint with different light. I picked the Behr Ultra paint, but should have picked Sherwin Williams paint. I think SherwinWilliams paint is the much better paint, but that is my opinion.
Before you buy the paint, try your sample out on every wall you want to paint. And then decide if it looks good.
If you are happy with it, clean the walls with soap water and then start painting. If you need some tips how to paint, here is a refresher: How to paint a wall easy and fast
Second: Add faux shiplap to a wall
If you want to make your bathroom a little special, add faux shiplap to a wall. It was so easy to do, because I got all my boards cut exactly the way I needed them. I just had to nail them on the wall and then paint the plywood.
One board of plywood is 15 Dollars, that is all I needed for this one wall. If you want to know the exact steps how I did this, you can get all the info here: DIY faux shiplap for first timers
I painted the faux shiplap the same color I had painted the walls. But you should prime the wood before painting, otherwise you end up spending a lot of paint on this wall.
Add one coat of primer on the Plywood and one coat of paint should be enough. Depends on the paint you buy.
Third: Change Vanity Color
If you have a plain old wood cabinet with old hardware, paint it. I have painted my whole kitchen with Milk Paint and it looks so much better now. Add new hardware – or spray paint the old hardware – and it adds a more modern feel to it.
I also have the kitchen tutorial for you to download, if you are interested in painting your kitchen.
A bathroom vanity is a great little project to practice for the kitchen remodel. Paint your kitchen cabinets without sanding and priming DIY
Can you see it all coming together? Are you getting excited updating your ‘not so nice’ bathroom?
I have made a checklist for you, so download and print it out to remember all the steps.
Fourth: Update the Mirror
Because the mirror in my bathroom was nothing special I took it down and added a new mirror. I always envisioned a round mirror and this is what I found. Of course I mounted it immediately, because it is sooo pretty.
More decorating tips:
This looks like a great rug if you want to add a little color and hide some ugly tiles.
I didn’t see where the floor was mentioned.
Hi Judith, the floor is mentioned here This was a different project.
Thank you, I will add the link in the other post.