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  1. We are picking up our new/user travel trailer tomorrow. I am not familiar with Milk Paint. Since the cabinets are usually always brown, using milk paint right over the brown is no problem? The milk paint comes out nice and vibrant, like there was brown underneath? I hope I’m making since. Your travel trailer looks amazing!

    1. Hi Gina, yes no need to sand or prime. Just clean the cabinets well with deglosser or TSP. My cabinets were also brown. And the good thing about Milk Paint is that it doesn’t smell, no odor at all. Do the steps I am recommending, clean with TSP, clean with fresh water, use a brush for the first coat, use a foam roller for the second coat. Take your time in between coats and let the paint dry. If you have any questions, email me. It is going to look great. What color scheme do you have?

  2. I love the after pictures!!! Such a transformation from brown to colorful and unique. Thanks for sharing your tips on how to accomplish this:)

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